Teaching Remotely is a resource hub for instructors teaching remote or hybrid courses. This site contains information on setting up and building remote and hybrid courses, trainings for new and returning remote instructors, guidance on best practices for inclusive remote pedagogy, instructor resources, and an FAQ.
We recommend instructors begin by reviewing the Instructor Guide for Remote and Hybrid Instruction(Version 2, updated August 2021) which provides guidance on teaching both in person and remotely, as well as resources for remote teaching and other instructor needs.
Getting Started
Canvas, Zoom, and Panopto are the core systems available for remote teaching. The Course Set-Up section of this website has information on getting started with these systems as well as links to other resources. Resources for using Canvas and Zoom are here:
For individual support with remote teaching, please contact us.
Remote and Hybrid Teaching Guides
The Education Planning Group, as well as the Chicago Center for Teaching, have developed three guides with information on instruction, best practices, and a variety of instructor resources.
- Instructor Guide for Remote and Hybrid Instruction
- Pedagogical Guidance for Remote Teaching
- Considerations for Inclusive Teaching in Remote Environments
For additional guidance, please review our Teaching Remotely FAQ page.
Remote Policies and Copyright Statement
The following policies and copyright statement provide guidance for instructors and students about course sessions.
- Remote Teaching Policy
- Recording Policy
- Recording Deletion Policy
- Statement Related to Copyright of Course Materials
For additional guidance on office hours, syllabus creation, classroom policies, etc., please review the Instructor Guide for Remote and Hybrid Instruction, as well as the Teaching Remotely FAQ page.
Training for Remote Instruction
The University offers live virtual and self-directed training sessions for both new and returning remote instructors. You can register for training online and access quick-help resources via the Training section on this website.
If you would like guidance on which workshops to attend, please follow our recommended paths.
Supporting Students in their Learning Environments
As you interact with students, you may also become aware of difficulties they have in accessing resources. UChicago has a number of programs, longstanding and new, that you can suggest to them.
Health and wellness
- Student Health Services has moved primarily to telehealth options – appointments can be scheduled by calling 773.702.4156.
- Student Disability Services can assist students remotely with accommodations via disabilities@uchicago.edu or 773.702.6000.
- 24/7 mental health support is available for UChicago students (regardless of location) by calling 773.702.3625.
- A full list of Health and Wellness resources is available on the Student Health and Counseling Services website.
Food security and other financial concerns
- Food assistance programs are focusing on grocery vouchers and delivery services. For graduate students: studentsupport@uchicago.edu / 773.702.2435. For undergraduate students: ccss@uchicago.edu / 773.702.4537.
- Emergency Assistance Programs are available through the Bursar’s Office. These include Living Expense Advances, Emergency Loans, and Emergency Assistance Grants.
Need for improved access to devices and connectivity
- College students with crucial technology needs should access the College’s Technology Request Form. Students in the College may also reach out to the Center for College Student Success.
- Graduate students with crucial technology needs should contact their respective Deans of Students.
As always, students in need of emergency assistance or information should contact the Dean-on-Call at 773.834.HELP (4357). Follow the voice prompts carefully.
Students needing immediate treatment of medical conditions should contact 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
Our companion site, Learning Remotely, provides complementary support for student learning.